Trayecto for special price

We´d like to announce that from now on untill the End of October you´ve got chance to purchase our top model Trayecto for this year´s price 1490 €. Afterwards it´ll be a bit more expensive.

The reasons for that are mainly new materials which we already use. Unfortunately, these are a bit costlier, partly because they are new, partly because the prices of everything have significantly raised this year.

The same can be said about the components like brakes etc. We´re fighting not just with higher prices, but also with longer delivery times. But don´t worry, we always find a way how to do our job and succeed.

New materials are already used mainly in the upholstery, but also in the frame, for example we use harder aluminium for all mounting brackets etc.

We are really happy that you´re satisfied with out trailers and would like to thank you particularly for your patience because the delivery takes now up to 5 weeks.

Your Kolofogo Team