Save now by 2-in-1

Extra offer for everbody who´s looking for an 2-in-1 bicycle trailer and stroller.

Summer is here, so take your bike and off! You´ll feel free and suddenly your life will slow down. It´d be great if you could take your child with, then your joy will double.

We´ve decided to make it a bit easier for you and offer a 5 % discount on our 2-in-1 bicycle trailer and stroller. It´s true, that nowadays most of us consider every purchase, and when already decides to buy a trailer, wants to use it also as a stroller. Exactly that fulfils our model Dusky.

If you buy it now, you could save – until the end of July – 83 €. Moreover, we´ll add for free the headrest and the protecting clear sheeting (you´ll save another 55 €). Just check our online shop.