Trailer as a great investment

With trailers you have fun with your kids every day. And they keep their price as used ones.

We all know that – although we try to change it we are getting busier and mainly on weekdays there is not much time left for our hobbies, especially if you´re a biker. You hardly find time to be with your kids. Well, what if you could combine these two pleasures – enjoy the ride on your bike and be with your little one?

There are of course classic two-wheeled trailers, but to be honest, it´s not the best solution. When it comes to kids, you want to keep out of the streets where are dominating cars. You want to ride wood trails and for that terrain is the best suitable solution a one-wheeled trailer. Kolofogo.

If you doubt if it´s a good idea to own a trailer, don´t forget about the fact that they don´t loose their price. According the BIKE Magazine which has tested it, if you use our trailer for 2 years, your real investion will be around 150 €.

That means that you can sell it as used one for just a little less than you´ve bought it. There are almost no used KF singletrailers on the market and when one already appears, it quickly dissappears.

One of the biggest assets of Kolofogo trailers is that you can always update them. If you buy our basic model Tahoe, its new owner can easily make a higher model of it – he will buy just an axle with the two wheels and it´ll become Dusky, a 2-in-1 trailer and stroller.

We also try to offer a good and fast service. We could repair any damage, so you could sell your used trailer for more.

Don´t hesitate to ask. Just write us today 🙂