Tune-Up Packages for your trailer

The main season is almost over, it´s time to think about some service before the winter hits. We´ll do that for you, quickly and with a guarantee.

All you have to do is to choose one package, pack your trailer and send it to us. We´ll do all the maintenance needed and send it back to you – this time we´ll pay the shipping costs. Your trailer will be then perfectly prepared for upcoming winter, for new season or for reselling.

There are 3 Tune-Up Packages:

Basic € 65

For relatively new trailers (unspoilt, 1 – 3 years old). Check of all the parts, adjustment of brake, all wheels and all attachments. Lubrication, especially of the swingarm (its sliding bushes) and of the seatpost adapter. Just basic cleaning of the related parts included.

  • check all the parts and attachments, adjustment of the geometry
  • adjustment of brake (models Dusky and Trayecto)
  • adjustment of the 20inch wheel (centering)
  • cleaning and tinning of the quick release axis
  • lubrication – swingarm (sliding bushes) and seatpost adapter
  • small repairs of the frame (of eventurally slightly bent parts)

Result : Trailer ready for the winter.

Annual € 185

For older trailers (unspoilt, 3 – 5 years). Full disassembly, cleaning and lubrication, re-assembly and adjustment of all moving parts. Exchange of all damaged small plastics parts or screws for new ones. Installation of new grips for the handlebar if needed (parts included). Does not include wheel bearing overhauls.

  • full disassembly and cleaning
  • exchange of all damaged small plastics parts or screws for new ones
  • lubrication – swingarm (sliding bushes) and seatpost adapter
  • if needed, installation of new grips for the handlebar
  • re-assembly; check all of the parts and adjustment of the geometry
  • adjustment of brake (models Dusky and Trayecto)
  • adjustment of the 20inch wheel (centering)
  • cleaning and tinning of the quick release axis
  • small repairs of the frame (of eventually sligthly bent parts)

Result : Trailer ready for the winter or for a new season.

Overhaul / Pre-Sales Check € 245

For older or damaged trailers. Annual tune, plus complete servicing of every part of the trailer including cover (small repairs if needed) and hub bearings. Cables and all other new parts included. Recommended also for all who want to resell their trailer.

  • full disassembly and cleaning
  • exchange of all damaged small plastics parts or screws for new ones
  • if needed, installation of new grips for the handlebar
  • also if needed, free exchange of protecting clear sheeting
  • check of the cover,  repairing if needed (small parts, bigger repairs will be consulted first)
  • lubrication – swingarm (sliding bushes) and seatpost adapter
  • re-assembly; check all of the parts and adjustment of the geometry
  • adjustment of brake (models Dusky and Trayecto)
  • adjustment of the 20inch wheel (centering)
  • cleaning and tinning of the quick release axis
  • small repairs of the frame (of eventually sligthly bent parts)
  • 50 % discount on other spare parts which will be necessary to exchange for new ones (seatpost adapter or inner clamps for the seatpost adapter, adapter for the handle, tow bar and kickstand)
  • last but not least : for all who would like to resell their trailer – we´ll advertise your trailer on our website (in our secondhand shop) as a trailer with “Guaranteed overhaul”

Result : Trailer ready for the winter, new season or for reselling.

Each tune-up should take max 1 week. Choose one package and order on service@redfleck.cz