Trailers are amazing tools

This article from about trailers is already more than one year old, but it´s worth to cite its author Cass Gilbert.

He perfectly described what we believe in and why we´ve started our own production of KF single wheel trailers : because life is damned short and it´silly to spend most of it in a hurry in a car, not recognizing if there is spring or fall outside…

It´s worth to read it all, anyway, for all who are in a hurry right now 🙂 just few sentences:

Trailers are fantastic tools for transforming our existing bikes into something completely new, transcending what we thought we can do with them. They can be used to carry ski equipment or kayaks. To haul water for trips through deserts. To ferry our children on family adventures. Even to bring along our pets.

And because life isn’t just about bikepacking (sadly), here’s the best bit: trailers offer a practical, space-efficient way of facilitating a car-lite lifestyle back at home, helping make our cities more relaxing and liveable places. In fact, there’s little to beat the adaptability of trailers and their power to turn an everyday bike into so much more… and back again, in the minute it takes to unhitch them. Unless you own a dedicated cargo bike, we think almost everyone who rides a bike would find value in having one in their stable.

Read more on:

Bikepacking with a Trailer: The Complete List and Guide