More info or a test

Best bike trailers you can buy. We don´t sell them in classic shops, just online. However, there is an opportunity to arrange a test.

First, we´ve got some enthusiastic customers around the world who are ready to show their trailers to others. We appreciate their help, they are really great. Just send a message – below is a form, fill it to apply for a test ride.

How does it work?

There is actually no better way to find out more about a product than to ask an actual user.

Still, there is one more way how to see or test our trailers. We travel with them periodically to other countries and organize there so called Test-days. Let’s say you’re from Amsterdam, for example. If you know someone in the area who is also interested in, simply ask them if they would take a part in testing it and let us know.

We will find a suitable place in the city (or near the city) and there we will show our trailers all day and offer them for testing. At least five interested parties are required. Then we’ll just make an appointment and off we go.

In any case, get in touch with us, maybe we will already have a few interested people from your city (or surrounding area). So, see you soon 😉

Just use the form below and write which model you´d like to test.


I want more info or a test ride